Star Trek: 50 Years in Austria and a Beer

Star Trek: 50 Years in Austria and a Beer

(See also: Deutsche Version / German Version)

In 1973, the "Star Trek" TV series (titled "Raumschiff Enterprise" here) was first broadcast on Austrian television (ORF). It showed a future in which all people live together peacefully and productively, current problems and discussions such as racism, overpopulation or hunger for power were projected onto aliens and thus could be examined at some distance. The crew acted in a futuristic environment with self-opening doors, mobile-phone-like "communicators" and contactless "tricorders" for medical or technical diagnosis - as well as some other technologies. But the persective on moral stories and the dynamics between the logical science officer and "Vulcan" Spock, the emotional physician Dr. McCoy ("Bones" / "Pille") and the charming Captain Kirk it was ultimately what excited fans the most - although the series ended after only three seasons.

However, it should be followed up with several films, and in the 80s and 90s with the new series "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and then "Deep Space Nine", "Voyager" and "Enterprise". After a break, JJ Abrams ringed in a new time for Star Trek with 3 reboot films starting in 2009, and it's now being continued with streaming series from CBS/Paramount, such as "Strange New Worlds", "Picard", and "Lower Decks". And the near future is also ensured: new seasons of "Discovery" and "Prodigy" are announced for 2024.

And there are also active fans in Austria: The fan club "Galactic Friendship", for example, meets monthly and is present this weekend at Vienna Comic-Con (November 18/19, Messe Wien).

Just in time for this Comic-Con, the young Austrian sci-fi trading company "Trade Post 47" in cooperation with the "Federation of Beer" has also presented an Austrian Star Trek beer for the first time: "Captain's Lager" is an amber-colored special beer from Hofstetten brewery in the Mühlviertel region, with a special limited edition label based on the movie "Star Trek: First Contact" (directed by Jonathan Frakes, who stars at Vienna Comic-Con) and describing it as an award for distinguished members (and friends) of Starfleet. "As I am a Star Trek fan myself, I am particularly pleased to be able to hold a Hofstettner 'Captain's Lager' in my hands," says Peter Krammer, brewmaster and owner of Austria's oldest brewery. "Captain's Lager combines good taste with a collector's item and is now available on," adds Robert Kaiser of Trade Post 47. "As it is on our booths at Vienna Comic-Con and the Wiener Comic- und Filmbörse," remarks his colleague Cupro. 

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